Art Puzzles

Available for your Macs and iPads

Jigsaws of Art across history

Can you recreate these beautiful pieces of art?  Like a jigsaw puzzle but each piece is a section of the artwork (by shade or subject) which needs to be put back into the right place.


Easy to Learn

Simple drag and drop interface that works for adults and children. A simple tutorial on "How To Play" is included.

Hard to Master

Puzzles range from easy (solve in minutes) through to very hard (an hour or more). But don't worry, your placed pieces are automatically saved so you can do the puzzle over several sessions. You can also turn on and off useful guides like outlines or a ghost image depending on how challenging you want it to be.

Fun and Educational

As you concentrate on each piece in the puzzle you see details of the artwork that aren't immediately obvious when looking at the completed piece. See the artwork as the original artist did - an element at a time. Once a puzzle is completed you can explore a zoomed in version to see all the detail.



Need help using Art Puzzles?  The answer is probably below.  However, if your question is not answered here then please ask us directly by sending us an email.

NOTE: the below entries reflect v9.1 or later of Art Puzzles.

Where is my data stored - can anyone else access it?

All of the app data is stored on your local device or your own personal Apple iCloud account.  It is not shared with the developer or available to anyone else.  Only those that have access to your devices have access to your data. 

By default your puzzle data is kept on your local device.  However, you can also choose to share your puzzle progress data between your devices using iCloud. 

Where do the puzzle images come from?

Every puzzle image has been sourced with licensing that allows commercial usage (e.g. WikiMedia Commons with appropriate Public Domain or CC licences).  Every image source is linked so the player can access all the original metadata including attribution and licensing information if desired.  When playing any puzzle, tap the "Image Details" button (to the left of the image title).  A Safari window will be opened displaying the original source page.

How do I turn Sound Effects on and off?

You can choose to turn off background music by tapping the 'Settings' button on the Home screen (see the first image below) and then tapping the On or Off buttons as desired on the first setting (see the second image).  

What is shared between the Mac and iPad versions of Art Puzzles?

Art Puzzles can be played on both your Mac computer (desktop or laptop) and your iPad.  

If you have both device types and use the same AppleID on each, then there is some special linkage between the two versions:

You can synchronise puzzle completion progress between your devices.  You turn on iCloud synching on and off on the Setting screen.  See above (for Sound) on how to open the Setting page and then use the On and Off buttons next to the last 'Sync Between Devices with iCloud' option (see below).

TURN ON iCloud synching  to:

TURN OFF iCloud synching if:

Note: the above only applies between the same Puzzle App - i.e. Art Puzzles on both or Anatomy Puzzles on both.

I'm Left Handed. How can I set this in Art Puzzles?

Art Puzzles uses the mechanic of dragging a puzzle piece with your finger to the correct place in the puzzle.  By default the apps assume you are right handed and offset the piece to your left so your finger and hand do not obscure the piece while you are moving it.  But what if you are left-handed?

Not to worry, all the puzzle apps have a left or right handed setting.  

To change from right to left (or similarly back to right), navigate to the 'Settings' screen (as above for Sound) and then tap the required icon in the middle option.  The setting will be remembered.

Setting to Left handed mode will now offset the puzzle pieces to the right of your finger...just what is needed to not obscure the piece.

How are the Puzzles Created?

It may come as a surprise to some but there is a lot of work involved in creating the puzzle files used in my Anatomy Puzzles, Art Puzzles, Map Puzzles, Poster Puzzles and Window Puzzles apps.  All up it takes around 30 - 40 hours to create the 14 puzzles in a single pack.

Here's a quick summary of the process used for each and every puzzle:

I hope you enjoyed this little insight into how a new puzzle pack is released.